A Hand of Bridge by Samuel Barber and Gallantry by Douglas Moore

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1020 N. Brand Blvd. , Glendale, CA, United States

Chamber Opera Players of LA Concert includes: • Free admission!  (Donations greatly appreciated) • Conductor David Rentz of the Orange County Symphony joining us for the first time • Director Josh Shaw, Artistic Director of Pacific Opera Project, adding his special genius and insight to this fabulous production GLENDALE, CA-CHAMBER OPERA PLAYERS OF LOS ANGELES will be presenting their second production of two rarely performed operas.  Ariel Pisturino, E. Scott Levin, Jessica Mamey, Joseph Michels, Daniel Gledhill, Josh Shaw, and David Rentz collaborate on this project in an effort to enhance the classical music scene in Glendale.  These distinguished musicians...