
We are happy to see this article in the very popular Sunset Magazine called "One perfect day in Glendale." You could clip out this article, put it on the dashboard, and spend a great day in our city. It mentions the Alex Theatre and Porto's Bakery - two of our downtown heroes. Thanks, Sunset Magazine....

Downtown Glendale will welcome a new and improved market to a new location when it opens Jan. 9 and is renamed the Downtown Glendale Market. Formerly the Farmers Market, the Downtown Glendale Market will be owned by the Downtown Glendale Association and managed by veteran farmers’ market operator Carole Gallegos. The market will be open each Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The newly named market will operate in the parking lot shared by the city and the First Baptist Church on the 200 block of North Maryland. The market will open with some 60 vendors (as compared to 25 at...

Meet Miguel Reza, one of our Downtown Glendale Ambassadors. Our ambassadors enjoy their jobs. They help folks looking for directions or seeking a recommendation. They keep the streets sparkling clean. Miguel even has carried packages to the car or folks who needed a hand. He lives in Silver Lake and says he loves coming to work every day because he works outdoors with some of the friendliest people anywhere.   [caption id="attachment_7692" align="alignnone" width="597"] Miguel Reza on the job in Downtown Glendale[/caption]  ...

Please join us Wednesday at Massage Envy Spa Glendale, for Healing Hands for Arthritis, a one-day national event to raise funds to fight and cure arthritis. Massage Envy will donate $10 from every one-hour massage and facial session and 10 percent of sales of select skincare products to the Arthritis Foundation. First appointments at 8 a.m. and last appointments at 9 p.m. Food and drinks will be served all day. Massage Envy is 333. N. Brand Blvd....

For some time now, business and property owners in Downtown Glendale have been discussing ways and collaborating with the City to create a multi-pronged approach to establishing a fresh branding identity for the district. This new identity will improve its image and increase both commerce and pedestrian activity levels. The efforts of downtown bussiness and property owners and the City, and the adoption of the new Downtown Glendale Community Benefit Distrist (CDB), which was approved overwhelmingly by property owners this past July, will reinvent the downtown area. The premise of the Downtown Glendale Community Benefit District, which is referred to by...

[column width="1/4" nomargin="true"] [/column] [column width="3/4" nomargin="true"] Visit the New Downtown Glendale Market, Now Open Every Thursday First Baptist Church Parking Lot, Maryland Avenue between California and Wilson (behind the Alex Theatre) [/column]...