
For some time now, business and property owners in Downtown Glendale have been discussing ways and collaborating with the City to create a multi-pronged approach to establishing a fresh branding identity for the district. This new identity will improve its image and increase both commerce and pedestrian activity levels. The efforts of downtown bussiness and property owners and the City, and the adoption of the new Downtown Glendale Community Benefit Distrist (CDB), which was approved overwhelmingly by property owners this past July, will reinvent the downtown area. The premise of the Downtown Glendale Community Benefit District, which is referred to by...

[column width="1/4" nomargin="true"] [/column] [column width="3/4" nomargin="true"] Visit the New Downtown Glendale Market, Now Open Every Thursday First Baptist Church Parking Lot, Maryland Avenue between California and Wilson (behind the Alex Theatre) [/column]...